Year 11 — Religion & Philosophy

Term 4: Revision and reteach - Islam: Beliefs and Teachings

Revision and reteach in the following areas:

Islam - Religious Beliefs and Teachings

God’s Will and the nature of God, Angels, Prophethood, The Qur'an and other holy writings, Al Qadr - Predestination, Life after death, Sunni and Shi'a Islam.

Islam: Religious Practices-

The Five pillars of Islam, the 10 Obligatory Acts and Shahadah, prayer ,fasting and Ramadan , Zakah, hajj, jihad and festivals.

Series of questions using GCSE AQA Exam specification structure and mark scheme to ensure preparation for the GCSE exam.


One who has submitted to the will of God and has accepted Islam


The name of the religion followed by Muslims. It can be translated as 'submission' or 'peace'.


The Arabic name for God.


The 'oneness' of God.


The goodness of God. One of his 99 names.


Prophethood. One way God communicates to humanity.


The holy book of Islam. The infallible word of God.


The group of Muslims who believe that Muhammad's successor was Abu Bakr.


The group of Muslims who believe that Muhammad's successor, and the first Imam, was Ali.


Life after death. This includes Jannah (heaven) and Jahannam (hell).

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 5 : Revision and reteach - Christianity: Practices/Belief and Teachings

Recap on previous key points taught in Year 10.

Focus on Christianity and other views for comparative exam questions


Series of questions using GCSE AQA Exam specification structure and mark scheme to ensure students are prepared for the AQA GCSE exam.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 1: Theme B: Religion and Life

In this unit students will explore Theme B of the GCSE themed unit on religion and life covering topics like:

The origins of the universe

-The value of the world

-The environment -Pollution

-The use of animals

-The origins of human life



-Death and the afterlife

Series of questions using GCSE AQA Exam specification structure and mark scheme to ensure they are fully prepared for their GCSE examination.


Someone who believes you cannot say whether God exists or not.


Belief that there is no God.


A sense of right and wrong that could be the voice of God within.

Design Argument

An argument for God's existence which claims the apparent design in the world demonstrates a designer God.

First Cause

An argument for God's existence which claims that, as everything has a cause, the universe must also have a cause. This is God.

General Revelation

When God reveals something of himself indirectly e.g. through nature.


A characteristic of God - he is beyond understanding.


An event that contradicts the laws of nature that is attributed to God.


Someone who believes in many gods.


Seeing something which is not physically real.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 2: Theme D: Religion, Peace & Conflict

In this unit students will explore Theme B of the GCSE themed unit on religion and life covering topics like:

Violence, protest and terrorism.

Reasons for war.

Nuclear war, weapons of mass destruction.

Just War Theory.

Holy War.

Pacifism and victims of war.


Series of questions using GCSE AQA Exam specification structure and mark scheme to ensure they are fully prepared for their GCSE examination.


Letting go of blame against a person.

Holy War

War on behalf of God.

Humanitarian Organisation

An organisation which helps support victims of wars and disasters.

Just War

Set of rules for fighting in a war (originally for God).

Nuclear Weapons

Weapons of mass destruction.


Belief that all violence and war is wrong.


Making up between two sides after disagreement.


To pay someone back for the harm they have caused.


Use of violence to intimidate others and cause fear.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 6: Final Revision

Revision of key aspects of the course and focus on exam technique.

Series of questions using GCSE AQA Exam specification structure and mark scheme to ensure they are fully prepared for their GCSE examination.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community:

Term 3: Theme E: Religion, Crime and Punishment.

In this unit students will explore Theme E of the GCSE themed unit on crime and punishment covering topics like:

Good and evil intentions and actions

-Reasons for crime

-Law breakers and types of crime

-Aims of punishment


-Treatment of criminals


Series of questions using GCSE AQA Exam specification structure and mark scheme to ensure they are fully prepared for their GCSE examination.


Pilgrimage to Makkah - to be completed once in a lifetime.


Literally means 'to struggle.' It involves any way Muslims aim to obey Allah.


The prayers that Muslim attend each week on Friday afternoon.


The black covered cube in the centre of the main mosque of Makkah.


Actions performed during prayer.




Fasting during daylight hours in the month of Ramadan.


The declaration of faith which states that Allah is one, and Muhammad is his messenger/prophet.


Ablution. Cleansing before prayer.


Giving alms (charity) to those who need help.

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community: